Yikers! Days 19, 20 AND 21!

Today is a holiday for the kids, not for me.  So as I am on-call, I just said goodbye to them as they headed off TO THE GYM TOGETHER!!


Monday selfie- coffee happened much earlier on the road!
The weekend was very blah, but also very YAY!  On Saturday Lonnie was gone all day at a coughcoughgamingconventioncoughcough.  I knew that he would eat "off plan" since he was out all day, so as I drove to the grocery store I gave myself permission to also have a little treat/splurge.  I thought ALL the way there about what I have really missed and really would like and came up with NOTHING.  My old favorite sweet treats like cake... ice cream... candy.... no thanks, the thought of them just made me feel a little sick to my stomach.  (You know... like that feeling you have after eating too many pancakes and then someone offers you a cinnamon bun?)  So no sweets.  Ooooh!  How about chips?  Cheez-its (my lifelone nemesis)?  Saltines?  While I easily could have stomached those things.  I quickly sent my mind to the way I feel after... and during... eating them.  I feel bloated.  I feel unhealthy.  I feel like eating MORE AND MORE AND MORE bad stuff.  THAT was the biggy for me.  Eating those types of foods just makes your body want MORE MORE MORE!  (Which is why cheat days don't work!)  So I stuck to plan and had no regrets because I felt great all weekend and yesterday watched and listened to Lonnie struggle with feeling "eaty" all day.  (And of course took the opportunity to brag a little about how I was not feeling "eaty" because I didn't eat crap :::wink:::)


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