Happy New Year!

When I wasn't working and doing fun stuff, I spent a good part of 2015 going back and forth about grad school.  I even applied to a couple.  But ultimately decided that I just don't feel right adding to my already enormously high student loan mountain of debt.  ...that is already growing since I am helping Jessi pay for college.... and interest of course.  I would love to get my Master's.  I LOVE school and I would also love to be more marketable once we starting planning our move from Maine, and I have the time for it with the job I have now.  So if I could just win the lottery......    I have few regrets in life as everything I have lived through has made me the bucket of awesomesauce that I am today,  but I definitely regret spending all that money and time going to Husson University to get my teaching credentials.  I could have my graduate degree, and instead I have nothing since I didn't finish the program by doing student teaching.  (THAT I do not regret, as I now know that teaching is NOT my calling!)

I have also spent a good part of the year eliminating things, and people, from my life--and my Facebook that cause me drama and discord.  I am instituting Flylady's general philosophy of 'If you look at it and it doesn't make you smile, you don't need it in your life.'  Perhaps in 2016 I can institute the actual housecleaning part of the Flyolady philosophy  LOL.... WHO ARE WE KIDDING!!??

So now.... I present to you (and future me).....

My favorite moments in 2015!!!
BTW- You KNOW you are living your best life when you give up on narrowing down the moments to one per month!  :)

February- We built an awesome new kitchen isalnd!

March- family trip to Mexico!

Lonnie gets some new wheels!  The first vehicle he has ever owned that he doesn't have to worry, "Will I make it there?"

We got a pasta maker for Christmas and made a LOT of ramen in 2015.  YUMMMMMM
Ed Sheeran concert... that we enjoyed for FREE on a hill outside the venue!

A very chilly Train concert

LOTS of summer swimming

The Popham Beach camping trip that turned into a Portland, Maine hotel weekend ;-)

I Kayaked for the first time!!  AND LOVED IT!  I also crocheted for the first time... that did not go quite as well ;-)

LOTS OF ROAD TRIPS!!!  Aquaboggin.... Bar Harbor.... Boston.... Portland....

Jessi got her license AND bought herself a car!!

We never give up trying to get fit!  We also never really suceed... but we keep on trying!

Lonnie became a PAELLA MASTER!!

Mom came up and rented a cottage on the coast


Family trip to Beantown

SPORTS!!  Hockey and football games.... LOVE LOVE LOVE

NEW KITTEN!!  Gandolf aka Will Feral

Food and Spirits festival

Turkey Day!! ...followed by the BEST BLACK FRIDAY EVER!!

A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS SEASON (And no, most of those projects never happened lol)

Looking forward to LOTS MORE ADVENTURES in 2016!!


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