When I wasn't working and doing fun stuff, I spent a good part of 2015 going back and forth about grad school. I even applied to a couple. But ultimately decided that I just don't feel right adding to my already enormously high student loan mountain of debt. ...that is already growing since I am helping Jessi pay for college.... and interest of course. I would love to get my Master's. I LOVE school and I would also love to be more marketable once we starting planning our move from Maine, and I have the time for it with the job I have now. So if I could just win the lottery...... I have few regrets in life as everything I have lived through has made me the bucket of awesomesauce that I am today, but I definitely regret spending all that money and time going to Husson University to get my teaching credentials. I could have my graduate degree, and instead I have nothing since I didn't finish the program by doing student teaching. (THAT I do not regret, as I now know that teaching is NOT my calling!)
I have also spent a good part of the year eliminating things, and people, from my life--and my Facebook that cause me drama and discord. I am instituting Flylady's general philosophy of 'If you look at it and it doesn't make you smile, you don't need it in your life.' Perhaps in 2016 I can institute the actual housecleaning part of the Flyolady philosophy LOL.... WHO ARE WE KIDDING!!??
So now.... I present to you (and future me).....
My favorite moments in 2015!!!
BTW- You KNOW you are living your best life when you give up on narrowing down the moments to one per month! :)
February- We built an awesome new kitchen isalnd! |
March- family trip to Mexico! |
Lonnie gets some new wheels! The first vehicle he has ever owned that he doesn't have to worry, "Will I make it there?" |
We got a pasta maker for Christmas and made a LOT of ramen in 2015. YUMMMMMM |
Ed Sheeran concert... that we enjoyed for FREE on a hill outside the venue! |
A very chilly Train concert |
LOTS of summer swimming |
The Popham Beach camping trip that turned into a Portland, Maine hotel weekend ;-) |
I Kayaked for the first time!! AND LOVED IT! I also crocheted for the first time... that did not go quite as well ;-) |
LOTS OF ROAD TRIPS!!! Aquaboggin.... Bar Harbor.... Boston.... Portland.... |
Jessi got her license AND bought herself a car!! |
We never give up trying to get fit! We also never really suceed... but we keep on trying! |
Lonnie became a PAELLA MASTER!! |
Mom came up and rented a cottage on the coast |
Family trip to Beantown |
SPORTS!! Hockey and football games.... LOVE LOVE LOVE |
NEW KITTEN!! Gandolf aka Will Feral |
Food and Spirits festival |
Turkey Day!! ...followed by the BEST BLACK FRIDAY EVER!! |
A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS SEASON (And no, most of those projects never happened lol) |
Looking forward to LOTS MORE ADVENTURES in 2016!!
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