Day 16 and 17- It's getting hard to keep track of the days!

...probably  doesn't help when I do these two for 1 bloggys.

Still plugging along.  Last night we went out to dinner and Lonnie and I both sucked it up and stayed on it and were WAY high maintenance.  But I think we were nice enough, and gave a good enough tip that hopefully the waitress won't quit when she sees us walk in next time :)  Lonnie got sizzlin' fajitas with lettuce instead of tortillas to wrap them in, and I got a bunless burger and grilled asparagus.  It was all delicious, we had a great time, and didn't end our day feeling like we cheated or failed.  YAY US!

Lazy, Cozy, I DON'T WANNA GET OUT OF BED selfie
Where I am still struggling is the gym part.  It's SO. BITTERLY. COLD! I just can't bring myself to get dressed and to the the gym and then come out afterwards either sweaty or freshly showered---either way DOUBLE FROZEN!  I realize it's a stupid excuse.  But it's real.  And you know I love keepin' it real. Also Lonnie and I are FANTASTIC at both encouraging and discourging each other from everything!


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