Days 28 and 29

NO time yesterday to blog or take my weekly 'useless-does-not-illustrate-anything-at-all iced coffee selfie' ;-) I actually got called in to work before I even got out of bed!! I DID manage to hork down leftover chicken with guac from Sunday nights dinner though, so was able to start a crazy day off right! It felt good to make myself a priority and not just throw everything out the window and eat shitty food because I am overwhelmed and busy.
I was on the road all day, and did not have time or inclination to pack a lunch, so when I finally had a second to breath, I ran into a grocery store deep in the woods of Greenville, Maine, picked up a cheese stick, a bag of macadamia nuts (YUM!!! Hadn't had those in FOREVER!!!), and a yellow pepper and munched my way back to civilization. Again.... feeling AWESOME that I am not using the hectic-ness of my job as an excuse to derail. I even stopped at McDonald's for a sugar-free iced coffee, and didn't even think about my once-coveted "#2-cheesburgers plain!"
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