Spring Feels

I haz em.  Mother Nature does not.

I want to plant some herbs and stuff this year.  I say this every year, but this time I mean it, damnit. We don't have a lot of space in the sunshine, but I think we have just enough to do one of those cute Pinterest-y container gardens.

I want to get outside and work towards running goals again. (Just not enough to bundle up and feel my snot freeze,)  It's 32 freaking degrees out today.  And windy.  And blustery.  I HATE THAT!

I want to jump out of the bed on the weekends excited because Lonnie and I have adventures planned!  The kind of adventures that don't involve mittens or frostbite.

I want to do a cool thing like take my schoolwork out to a park and study under a tree.  (LOL I  will NEVER do that!)  I guarantee if that happens I WILL find a way to selfie that shit ;-)


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