Day 4 ---It's still a chore.
While I don't plan to count the days like I did last time. Today is day 4. It's been tough to get back into it. Sugar does NOT fuck around. It knows how to find you in your weakest moments and just whisper sweet nothings in your ear. I am still shocked that I didn't give in to my sweet devil on Tuesday. I had a long, crazy shift, with no time to eat. When I finished up with what I hoped would be my last client at 9pm, I dreaded going home and having to prepare something for supper. I{ was STARVING, to the point of being shaky and irrational. So I used a lifeline. I called Lonnie and talked to him on the phone because I knew if I was talking to him when I passed McDonald's, I wouldn't pull in. It WORKED! Not only did it work, but I felt empowered enough to take the time to stop at the grocery store and pick up some salad stuff. ( I LOVE salad!!! ---no sarcasm! I LOVE IT!)
When I got home, I was all ready to make a yummy salad with the stuff I bought, and walked into the kitchen to find a very handsome man cooking me a very late supper. I was shocked because when we talked on the phone, he was in bed watching TV and settled in for the night. Damn I love that man!

- When the sweet beast was fighting me hard this week, I got a sugar-free iced coffee. It totally did the trick! (Yes I know about artifical sweeteners blah blah blah......)
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