Oh Verruca....

Instead if the "weekly shows nothing selfie,
Here is one that actually does show something.
And you know what?  I don't even hate it.
We've taken a few days off.  Not completely off, but a bit relaxed.  We had some cake for Sean's birthday.  And Sean requested birthday lasagna as well.  Damn my lasagna is good.  I did do some little things to create the illusion of control ...like make a smaller pan of lasagna.  And other than those things over the weekend, I stayed away from sugar. Including that Easter candy that continues to linger around the house.

Then yesterday I continued to be "off it" a bit.  I had a busy day and not-gonna-lie, the second I went out the door, I knew I was going to use my business as an excuse to have my favorite McDonald's meal ---even though I easily could have made a better choice.  Verruca (and Ms. PMS) wanted it.... and Colleen gave in.  Then when I got home from work, there were 2 pieces of cake left and I did my old... "Well... I already had McDonald's.... may as well have a piece and get it out of here......"

Blogging this morning felt essential to get myself back on track before going completely off the rails again like we did after vacation.

BY THE WAY!!!  the "getting up at 9am every day thing" has been FANTASTIC!!  There had been a few days where I have fought it a bit, but Lonnie relentlessly texted and called me to make sure I got up.  I can't believe how much more shit I have gotten done because I just have so much more time and FELT like it!!!  It's already become a bit of a habit, as this morning, I did NOT want to get up, but was WIDE awake and ended up getting up since I couldn't force myself to go back to sleep.  So.... WINNING!!!


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