Or no?

I was so NOT back at it again.  Well maybe for a couple days I was.  OK.  I am not giving myself enough credit.  I was at it, many days, but I was also not at it for many days. ;-)

I have done a lot of soul searching and thinking about WHY I am this way.  And I think I have it broken down to this

60% boredom/tv/couch eating
10% grabbing food to eat during work shifts (I'll have a #2 with cheezburgers plain please.") (And this one is only 10% because of my weird work schedule, it only happens once, or twice, a week, tops)
20% large portions and "seconds" at dinnertime.  Lonnie and I are both DAMN good cooks.
10% inactivity

So... with that all in mind, I decided to give Weight Watchers another go.  Tracking my food and how much I am eating is really what I need to learn in order to ever make a big change.  I know I can do it free with my fitness pal, but I want to pay for it to add another level of accountability.  I am also working out a way to build in a reward system... and I am certain it will involve tattoos!


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