So this is 40....
I had my 40th birthday!! Yeah buddy!! There have been past birthday 'milestones' that I was just miserable about, but for some reason, this birthday, this birthday we are "supposed" to be miserable about, I am perfectly content with. Embracing it actually!! Happy to have learned lots of shit up til now that I can put into use for however much longer I have on this planet :) (Hopefully at least another 40 years!)
I cannot imagine spending my life with anyone other than that guy <---. I never get sick of spending time with him, and look forward all day to bedtime and snuggles. Is he perfect? HELL NO....LOL! Do I want to murder him sometimes? HELL YES...LOL! But there is not a doubt in my mind that he is my 'one' and I have never in my life been so sure of anything.
And that 'shit I've learned......' Grace, 'letting shit go', forgiveness, 'not having control over anyone but myself' ....well I am practicing it in SPADES lately and it feels awesome to finally feel in control of myself and not like a hot mess ;-)
And there is MORE big news!! Lonnie asked me to marry him last weekend when he took be away to celebrate my birthday and I SAID YES!! (Shocker... right? lol) I new it was coming at some point, since I did help choose my ring, but yet somehow I was still surprised we went for a walk (well... A limp... I sprained my ankle in Portland earlier in the day... BADLY!) on the beach and when we got to a section of the beach where there are a bunch of rocks, we stopped and I almost fell... Again... Lol. He caught me this time and as he bent over to catch me, he got down on one knee and had a ring box in his hand and asked me to marry him.
My ring is beautiful and exactly what I wanted!! It's white gold with an aquamarine stone... this girl no likey the blood diamonds ;-)
Happy 40th!! And congratulations to you and Lonnie!! WooHoo!!