2019 Year in Review- Back where I belong!
I'm baaaaaaaaack! There were some nice things about Wordpress, but my heart is with blogger. Also blogger is free and one of my goals of 2020 is to spend less. I'm even doing a NO BUY for January. I'm also doing DRY JANUARY, but that's another blog!
I LOVE looking back at these yearly reviews and this one will bring me lots of future smiles for sure :)
We kicked off the year celebrating Christmas with Lonnie's parents, eating some yummy food and enjoying each other's company. The rest of the month was just trying to enjoy winter in Maine - which has been a challenge in the past (Seasonal Affective Disorder anyone? Anyone?). We both put mental and physical health at the forefront with lots of cooking, exercise, and good times.
I LOVE looking back at these yearly reviews and this one will bring me lots of future smiles for sure :)
We kicked off the year celebrating Christmas with Lonnie's parents, eating some yummy food and enjoying each other's company. The rest of the month was just trying to enjoy winter in Maine - which has been a challenge in the past (Seasonal Affective Disorder anyone? Anyone?). We both put mental and physical health at the forefront with lots of cooking, exercise, and good times.
More of that whole "Let's get through winter and enjoy it this year!" stuff! Pretty sure there was a trip to Portland to visit Jessi in there somewhere. There usually was! ---well until July, but we'll get to that!
As Jean Auel said, "The mother has broken the back of winter." While winter was still in full force, you could just feel it was on it's way out! I learned to cross country ski! We made our annual St. Patrick's day trip to Portland! We also got some sad news that our family dog, Cooper, had reached the end of his life and had to be put to sleep. He was a great dog!
A BIG MONTH! Nicole and I cooked up a plan to take the men and go on a BESTFRIENDAVERSARY! 20 years of friendship deserved a big celebration. I love that bitch!
I also ran a 5k with my friend, Michelle. OK, I mostly walked a 5k, but it was super fun in the cold driving rain feeling like fools and coming in near last place!
COULD SPRING REALLY BE HERE!!?? YES IT COULD! Lot's of time spent outside! Lonnie and Sean built a great outdoor project and cooking station stable. We all tried to learn to throw knives and axes and I was very disappointed I was not a natural and gave up too quickly. I also decided to start trying to eat a little less red meat since I have a history of colon cancer on both sides of my family. Not gonna lie... it lasted only a couple months and then we kinda forgot we were doing that LOL --Gotta get back to that!
I had to go to Houlton for a conference. A nice little adventure with my friend and co-worker Sarah and WOW is Houlton in the middle of nowhere!
In bigger news... In typical Jessi fashion, she decided to make a big move this summer. Summer seems to be her time for big changes and adventures. We saw her off to move to Williamsburg, Virginia with her boyfriend, Tony. We initially pretended it was just a summer thing, but we all knew she wasn't coming back to Maine. I was so sad to see her go again but so happy for her and proud of her adventurous spirit. I hate the cliche term 'wanderlust,' but I love the sentiment and that she has it!
SO. MUCH. FISHING. I have a new obsession. I watch youtube videos about fishing. I daydream about sitting on the lake in my kayak. I have a sizeable collection of gear. Sprinkled in a little paddleboarding and swimming for good measure, but it was really all about the fishing! And the workouts! We tried a Crossfit class and LOVED it, but it's way out of our budget, so instead we starting doing crossfit style workouts at the Y and had a blast!
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Oh yeah... and I wore a bikini for the first time in my life! |
Guess what? You guessed it, MORE FISHING! AND a trip to Nashville to visit Mom and Chris! We learned Nashville in August is, um, FUCKING HOT! We had always kinda thought we might move there, but this trip led to my decision Nashville is not for me. The heat, the humidity, no ocean anywhere nearby, the traffic, the effects of gentrification, the sprawling nature of the area... pass.
Lonnie and I went on our first road trip to Freeport/Portland without Jessi (or my dad) there to visit with. It was kinda weird and a little bit sad for me, but it was still a great day together stocking up on coffee and exploring.
Sean's first day of school was in August too!

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