Challenge Complete!

Today is day 21 of my 21-day challenge.

I consider it a resounding success even though I did not "GO HARD AND CLEAN" every day.  I have made serious progress towards fitness.

  • I haven't had soda in over three weeks and I DO NOT MISS it anymore!
  • I am making exercise a priority more often than not.
  • Day One of t25, I thought I was going to die.  Today.... I felt sweaty, and hot, and it was hard, but NO DYING!!
  • I have more energy
  • I am making small good food choices all day long rather than being "all or nothing."  This is huge for me.  If I have something "bad,"  it's fine, it's called LIVING.  I just have something good next time I am hungry.  No more... "Well I ate that cookie, so THIS DAY/WEEK/MONTH is blown, may as well eat ALL THE THINGS!"
  • I am drinking WATER.  Like.... ON PURPOSE!!  And I don't hate it!
Since I did so well with this challenge, even though I often half-assed it and did not give it my all.  I have joined another that starts tomorrow and plan to really go hard this time witht the exercise.  I would to be back in my old running shape again.  Fucking Timehop taunts me with that body every day!!


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