Hello? Anyone there?

Remember when I said that when coming back from vacation it would be hard to get back "on it."  Holy Shit-- has is ever!??

I'm a mess.

I can blame that I just started grad school.
I can blame that my work schedule has just changed.
I can blame... well... it's winter.... it's this... it's that..... blah blah blah

None of those excuses are actual things that have prevented me from eating well.  None of them.  What HAS prevented me from eating well.  I don't want to.  I don't feel like it. I don't want to plan.  I don't want o grocery shop

I feel gross.  I feel bloaty and fat and my clothes feel tight.  Lonnie has gained weight too, and because he only gains weight in his belly, it shows quickly and makes him feel gross.  We need to get our shit together.  ASAP.

How do you get that driven feeling back once it disappears!!??  I don't even want to grocery shop for the "good healthy foods" because well.... probably because part of me knows that I am just going to waste it and part of me knows that if I buy it, then I should get back on it and I DON'T WANNA!!


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