Busy Busy Busy

Instead of blogging, I have been.................

  • working working working!  Things are busy in crisis-land these days!  (and so much of my job is writing, the LAST thing I want to do on my downtime is write some more!)
  • hiking
  • a little --very little-- running
  • getting a kitten (who is right now adorably distracting me by playing with a piece of fuzz)
  • celebrating a kid turning 20!
  • teaching the other kid to cook
  • learning new recipes
  • turning a coffee table into an ottoman--- still a work in progress
  • playing with my camera and Lightroom
  • watching football on TV ...and in real life, GO MAINE!
  • reading
  • dabbling in Scrapbooking 
  • planning our next vacation
  • researching places to live when we move in a few years!  (Right now Pittsburgh, Phoenix, Texas, South Carolina, and Richmond, VA are the top contenders)
  • sleeping til noon (Hey... it's genetic!  I can remember staying with with my Nana and Grampy and waiting... and waiting... and waiting for Nana to get up and 'put her face on')

Happy Birthday, Jessi!!!


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