Tattoo obsession
Photoshop Style Tattoos |
I'm going to visit my mom and brother in Nashville in November and while down there my little bro and I are planning to get some new ink. WOOO HOOO!!
So obsession is cranked into full gear because I can't decide if I want to get something on my other shoulder, upper arm/shoulder cap, OR I am leaning VERY heavily towards turning my roadrunner tattoo into a collage piece. I LOVE the photoshop style tattoos. I actually had planned to do it ages ago before I even know there WAS a name to the style.
And keepin' it real... as I always do. I am a LITTLE SCARED of getting something on my arm because I am afraid it will accentuate my arm fat, and AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!!! So... as a result I spend a lot of time staring at fat chicks with tattoos, in real life and Pinterest life. Hope they realize that I am admiring them and not hatin' ;-)
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