
Showing posts from April, 2015

Man Crush Monday.... on Tuesday.

Last night Lonnie took the dogs out to do their business and when he came in, he brought me a quarter and exclaimed, "I found a quarter in the driveway!!" As you might expect, I looked at him like he was crazy as I opened my hand to accept his gift and said, "Um..... thank you.....?" And then he explained that he always looks for quarters, and whenever he finds them or gets them back as change, he puts them in my car's cup holder because he knows I like to get 75 cent fountain sodas.  But I had locked my car last night, so he couldn't put it in there. I had NO IDEA he has always done this.  Yes... I use the quarters, and a time or two thought for a split second, "Did I put those there?" before my ever-thought-racing brain moved on to the next random thought.  It never occurred to me that I had a quarter-knight-in-shining-armor.  (Quarter Fairy sounded It really is the little things.

Winter is stupid.

While the view from my window today is still bleak, Spring is definitely knocking on the door! Holy crap, I haven't been a very regular blogger!  Hate that! I am going to take the chicken-shit way out here and blame my blog-slacking on my "WINTER BLUES."  I wouldn't say I have seasonal-affective disorder, but I would say I am about as close to saying that as I can be. Wintertime is tough.  I spend a LOT of time (which also seems to always translate to a lot of money) trying to find ways to cheer myself up and feel like there is reason to jump out of my warm, cozy bed into my frigid apartment every morning.  This years 'cheeruppers' included a personal trainer, a fishtank, talk of another puppy (not happening), lots of indoor building projects, and not one, but TWO trips to Mexico.  ....and quite a few extra work shifts picked up to afford them all ;-) I am very grateful for a partner who is so supportive and more-than-willing to join me in...