My girl

Everything I do the past couple days feels like "the last time I...."
  • This is the last time I will buy Jessi Almond milk.
  • This is the last time Jessi will be able to come to yoga with me.
  • To Sean, "Next weekend when you come home from Dad's, it will be just the 3 of us."
I realize that none of those things are probably true.  She will be home in the summers, and for breaks, but it will be different.  She's a GROWN UP now.  How did that happen!?  And she's not even 'just a grown-up'.... She is an amazing woman!!
  • Who knows what she wants and just goes out and gets it.
  • Who knows the difference between right and wrong, but also can see the grey.
  • Who is a 'good girl' ....but isn't afraid it be a little bad sometimes!
  • Who is incredibly considerate to the feelings of others.
  • Who is the perfect balance of sassy and sweet.  OK, maybe not really.  Maybe 80% sassy.......

I am going to miss her like crazy.  Last night we sat at the table watching stupid music videos on youtube while discussing our differences in opinion on careers, motherhood, and daycare.  Right or wrong, she is not just my daughter.... she is a friend who I love spending time with and is now moving away.

I am super pround of her and can't wait to see what she does with the next few years of life choices.   On Sunday we drop her off at USM to begin her pre-med adventure!!  


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