Well... it happened.

She freakin' went and grew up on me.  Without my consent, mind you.  Just freakin' did it.  I know EVERYONE says this, but I honestly do not know where the time went!  It seems like just yesterday she was 3 years old dressed up in the thousandth princess costume of the day asking me for more teddy grahams.

NOW.... she is a confident, strong, sassy, sweet, intelligent, young woman who not only knows what she wants-- when she wants it-- but also strong enough to know and admit when she DOESN'T know what she wants!  I am super proud of her and excited to see where this next journey takes her.  Today, her major is Health Sciences, which is USM's version of Pre-Med.  I don't know if she will really ride this "I wanna be a doctor" train all the way to the station, but it will sure be a fun ride ;-)

It's going to be soooooo weird when she leaves.  Sean said at dinner to Lonnie and I the other night, "It's going to be weird soon when I become an only child."  After clarifying that Jessi going to college did NOT equal him becoming an only child, we talked about it a little... just enough to know that it's on his mind, but NOT enough to make him actually show us that he was a little upset about it.  He is FAR too cool for THAT business! ;-)

Graduation Day was busy and a bit stressful, but totally wonderful.  Everyone got together at my ex-in-law's house and played together nicely. Sure it was a little weird... but we like weird.  And I am super happy that Jessi only had to have one party and not have to split what little time she had on this busy weekend between her two parent's parties.


  1. Congratulations to Jessi!! Another Milestone has been reached and Another Chapter opens in her life!! Wishing her the best!


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