To puppy ...or not to puppy? THAT is the question!
We have been going back-and-forth about this one for MONTHS now! A couple weeks ago we even were in contact with a Golden Retriever breeder and were going to go that weekend to pick up a pup. ....But the breeder was a little weird and over-eager and frankly kind of obnoxious, so I got cold feet and we decided to wait until spring. Another reason I got cold feet was that once I had made the decision to pull the trigger and get a puppy. I immediately was like... "Whoa.... this is my last day of freedom. Do I really want to walk a dog in 3 feet of snow? In the Rain? In 1 degree?" So for about two weeks I was in nope-I-don't-want-a-dog mode. And now that has worn off again and I am once again suffering from puppy fever. So since blogging has helped me in the past to cut through my cluttered mind.... here we go! Reasons I want a dog: I want a dog to walk/run with me. Having a dog that I 'have to walk' is motivating to get me off...