Last Weekend... O.M.G. LAST WEEKEND

My baby girl turned 18 years old last Friday.  To celebrate, we took her down to Portland for a weekend of shopping and eating.  It was just a totally awesome weekend of three ADULTS having a blast out on the town!  ZERO fighting... ZERO attitudes... and TOTAL enjoying of each others company!

Lonnie has not been out of our locale in around 20 years, so I was a teensy bit worried that he was not going to take to "the city" and the weekend would be tense and awkward because if someone I am travelling with isn't happy... I can't enjoy myself.  Hence reason #156 that Rick and I are a better divorced couple than a married one.  City traveling boy, Rick is not, and that's fine, for some other girl. ;-)  So... needless to say, I went into this trip with more baggage than the suitcase with my stuff in it.

BOY WAS I WRONG!  We just had a blast.  Rather than him just "there" waiting for me to shop.  He shops too! He looks at the stuff I show him, with actual interest and even gives me INPUT!  He has things that HE wants to do, and places HE would like to go and eat, and I love not having to be the one in control the whole time!  He is an awesome traffic/map navigator... and doesn't get all stressed out when we are "lost." He is spontaneous and up for anything, just like Jessi and me! In fact.... we even had to ditch Jessi at the hotel for a bit because she was tired and had a headache and wanted a nap (i.e. couldn't keep up with us and our, so we went to Trader Joe's... which was MY happy place, and is now OUR happy place :-)

Jessi was just as awesome.  I gave her a little pep talk before we left about how she is an adult now, and this is her trip as much as it is ours.  That she is not just the little kid in the backseat tagging along... she is expected to give input and make suggestions and her input was just as important as ours.  You wouldn't know it, but a big issue of hers is that she has a hard time voicing her needs and tends to just go with whatever everyone else wants.  She did awesome with that after an initial panic and a bit of griping about how it's easier to be a kid ;-)

Such a great weekend... and so looking forward to a lifetime of travels and adventures... more-so than ever!!

Also looking forward to Jessi going to college in Portland in the fall because because then we have an excuse to go down all the time!!


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