
Showing posts from October, 2013

Last Weekend... O.M.G. LAST WEEKEND

My baby girl turned 18 years old last Friday.  To celebrate, we took her down to Portland for a weekend of shopping and eating.  It was just a totally awesome weekend of three ADULTS having a blast out on the town!  ZERO fighting... ZERO attitudes... and TOTAL enjoying of each others company! Lonnie has not been out of our locale in around 20 years, so I was a teensy bit worried that he was not going to take to "the city" and the weekend would be tense and awkward because if someone I am travelling with isn't happy... I can't enjoy myself.  Hence reason #156 that Rick and I are a better divorced couple than a married one.  City traveling boy, Rick is not, and that's fine, for some other girl. ;-)  So... needless to say, I went into this trip with more baggage than the suitcase with my stuff in it. BOY WAS I WRONG!  We just had a blast.  Rather than him just "there" waiting for me to shop.  He shops too! He looks at the stuff I s...

Our favorite recipes lately.... and the stories that go with them

I am going to start this post with advice about, my goto site for all things cooking.  The number of stars is the first thing I check, but if a recipe has 4 or 5 stars and only 10 reviews.... a further looksie must be taken ;-) Once I have checked the star rating and glanced at the recipe itself and the photos.... I think even more important than the recipe itself is to scan through the comments.  There are often glaring themes of changes that people made to the recipe in order to rate as highly as they did.  Case in point... our newest "staple" recipe, Sweet Sticky and Spicy Chicken  (and by staple, I mean we make this weekly and it's noticed if we don't!)  The recipe does not call for the chicken to be dredged in flour before cooking.  A zillion people in the comments mention this and how without this additional step... they may as well take "sticky" out of the title.  It's completely different and soooo much better.  The one...

The End of an Era photos

First year Last day And a whole lotta pics from in between....

RLS and stuff

I had started another blog called "ON IT" to use as weight loss/exercise motivation and to not clog up my regular blog with all health and fitness crap.  But HELLO!??  Health and fitness crap is what interests me!  ....and this is MY BLOG!!!  So I am scrapping that other blog and just doing all that stuff here! RLS update.  After reading my blog about my restless legs , my mom talked to me about my Restless Legs Syndrome, and as a result, I decided to try the Gabapentin.  So I did.  Last week was a rough week, a busy week, and I was an emotional wreck.  For a few days I chalked it up to Lonnie's new job keeping him gone til late every night, and my officially starting my new position. Then it got worse.  And worse.  Until Friday night when I was literally a crying, hysterical, mess of anxiety and grief about... well... nothing and everything.  But really, nothing.   I still was blaming the new schedules as I went to bed,...