Maine in the Summertime

I wasted so many years of my life sitting around on my ass hating Maine and ignoring all it had to offer.  I am so thankful that I crawled out of that hole and am finally out enjoying all the things our state has to offer!!  On Lonnie's weekends off, we are out and about fishing, shopping, hiking, beach-combing, and soon CAMPING!!!

One Lonnie's weekends on... I spend at least a day not doing a whole lot of anything... but the other two I am finding plenty of stuff to do!!  This weekend I visited my niece and nephew (and of course my brother and sister-in-law ;-) ...and her sister too)... CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!  Love those babies!!  

On Sunday Karyn and I participated in Maine's yearly Lighthouse Challenge.  One day every year the lighthouses are open to tour and visit.  I had never been inside a lighthouse before!  It was a great day!!  I can't wait to take Lonnie and the kids down to Rockland, what a great area ANNNNNDDDD   I SAW A SEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I FINALLY SAW A SEAL!!!


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