
I was warned. Before my 4-day intensive residency program for my MSW program, my friend and co-worker, Emily, told me that it would get me all fired up and excited about social work. I rolled my eyes and assured her that it would be painful and the longest 4 days of my life. Emily is just good people. One of those positive, 'rah-rah- GO TEAM!!' people that we all wish we could be instead of the snarky, eye-rolling bitches that we mostly are. And by we, I obviously mean me ;-) So Emily telling me that I was going to love it, really didn't hold a lot of water. Sorry, Emily. lol Well damnit, she was right. Every class for those 4 days left me feeling like I need to DO SOMETHING!! MAKE A CHANGE!! Opening day we had speakers talking about the importance of social work on the macro-level. BIG CHANGES.... LAW changes.... POLICY changes... FIGHTING FOR CIVIL RIGHTS CHANGES! I barely waited until the break before texting Jessi to tell her that I be...