How to win Couch to 5k

My traditional post-run "collapsed on the stairs at the end" selfie (and my Ennelle Sports bra--if ya gots the big boobies like me, this bra will be your bff! It locks the girls down like there is a riot in cell block 8!) Listen. I have started, stopped, finished, and quit C25k roughly 67 times over the past several years. I now consider myself an expert. My biggest success in this program has been when I combine it with leg strength stuff on non-run days. Right now I am doing t25 (and sometimes Jillian for variety), and my legs are STRONG! Strong legs= easier running!! If you can't complete all the run segments, do it again next time, don't try and move on. Except maybe that stupid, random 20 minute run in week 5. Fuck that guy. It doesn't matter if you take longer to finish the program than the 8 weeks. And that 8 week thing is kinda bullshit anyway because by the end of week 6, it's just warm-up/ruuuuuuuuuunnnnnn/cool-down, ...