Instant gratification

My life long enemy. I want it and I want it now and if I can't have it now that I don't fucking want it I want something else instead. Yes, I am a 2 year old pirate in a 41 year old body. I tend to embrace most of my "faults" and don't try to change them because they are part of who I am, and I like me! But this one... this inability to wait for things... is something that I need to work on if I want to like me EVEN MORE! Weight Watchers has been a HUGE lesson in this. Many days I feel like it is not working. This is completely asinine as I have lost weight every week except one (and that one I can blame on hormones!). This morning was my seventh weigh-in and as of today I have lost 14 pounds. That is not, "not working." That is 'slow and steady wins the race.' I hate 'slow and steady wins the race.' I like "GO GO GO aaaaaaannnnnnnd DONE!!!" Running... another lesson. I love me some running. I feel awesom...