Back at it.... again.
Sean had a timeline project a couple weeks ago and he and I went through my blog together ( my old blog and this new one) to gather photos to add to the timeline and to refresh our memories about exact dates of events. It was quite an afternoon of reminiscing, the good stuff (vacations, shooting his first deer, new puppies!), and the not-so-good stuff (deaths, divorce, moves). One thing I have mixed feelings about is my never-ending weight loss struggle. One the one hand, it's YAY FOR ME...I never give up!! But on the other hand, I am the basically the same as I was when I started blogging in 2006, so all the diets, exercise, etc. really did.... well... nothing? Thaaaaat's kind of depressing. BUT..... My body and my mind just feel so much better when I am sticking to a low carb diet. I feel in control of things. I don't ever feel bloaty. I feel lighter. I don't binge. I eat when I am hungry... and am more cognizant of w...