Before and..... well..... more before

As I mentioned before, when I saw the photos of myself on Jessi's graduation day, I was horrified at the weight I had allowed myself to balloon up to. Even though I knew the numbers on the scale were getting larger, I somehow managed to bury had my head in the sand and ignore it all. But on that day, I vowed to myself that I would NOT look at photos of the day I dropped Jessi off at college and feel the same way. I vowed I would NEVER look at photos and feel that way again. I have lost 20 pounds since that day. I am a huge fan of instant gratification, so I wish I could say it was more, but I'll take it because damnit,.... I HAVE EARNED IT. Lonnie and I are still going strong on our new way of eating. I can't really call it low-carb, or paleo, because it's really a combo of the two. Our focus is no breads, pastas, stuff like that. And no processed foods. Except diet caffeine-free soda. Just can't give it up. Maybe...