Doctors know stuff... who knew!?

I bought this shirt the weekend that I turned my ankle in the Old Port. I actually bought it AFTER I turned my ankle, limping through Old Navy's active wear section looking for deals. Even though my ankle was twice it's normal size and I could barely walk.... I still wholeheartedly believed that I would be starting to run again by the next weekend.... or even by then end of THAT weekend, as I had brought my stuff with me for a picturesque run on the beach. Yes, I am a moron who lives in fairy-make-believe-land. Five-ish months later................ I am at the doctor for my yearly physical. As she is going through the screening I casually mention the ankle thing and how it still kinda hurts and feels weird and is swollen. She takes a look at it... and then the lecture comes. Nutshell: "Worst possible sprain you could have.... May even have broken it... too late to do anything about that now.... you need to get into physic...