
Showing posts from May, 2014

Intuitive eating-- some final thoughts as I bid this journey kinda-sorta goodbye.

So as any reader around here knows, I read a couple books this past fall that changed my thinking about my relationship with food. These couple books made it sound SO easy to just "Eat when you're hungry... Stop when you're full!" Which makes complete sense. These books also all preach... NEVER diet again!  NEVER get on a scale! NEVER count calories! My life has changed since reading those books and I will use a lot of the tools for the rest of my life.  My biggest take-always that I still use every day... Checking in with myself to see WHY I am eating.  Am I actually hungry or am I anxious, bored, sad, angry.......  I have learned that boredom/droned-on-the-couch-in-front-of-tv eating is my biggest problem area.  And while I still eat when I am not hungry... I at least take a minute to recognize what I am doing and why... and then make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to do it anyway.  I am no longer a mindless eating factory. The scale.  I have bee...

Puppy happenings

We finally pulled the trigger after months of going back and forth about bringing a new dog into the family.  Her name is Luna and she is an 8 week old Golden Retriever.  I have kinda always wanted a Golden, and I LOVE my Mom's Golden, but honestly a Golden would not have been my first choice.  BUT..... I am in a relationship now that actually requires me to compromise, rather than 'do whatever I want and who gives a shit what you think.' Lonnie has never had a big dog before and was concerned about my first choice, a German Shepherd, being more for an experienced dog owner.  Then he saw a lady jogging with a 6 month old Golden pup and that was it.... I knew we would be getting a Golden ;-) One of the major contributing factors to our decision was Sean.  It's no secret that he has been having a rough time since the divorce and missing his dogs that stayed with Rick has been a constant source of pain for him.  Jessi and Sean have always been playmates and ...