
Showing posts from April, 2014

P.S. I lasted 5 days on that Dr. Oz Detox Diet

5 days.  Which honestly, I can say I am proud of because I accomplished some cool goals! I no longer am a slave to caffeine.  None.  Nada.   I really did 'reset' my brain somehow and am back to focusing on eating only when I am hungry and not mindlessly snacking. My sugar cravings dramatically decreased. I stopped using artificial sweeteners.  I never used to drink water without a shot of one of those little kool-aid guys   My clothes feel more comfortable, so I know I lost a little weight! So why did I quit? BECAUSE IT SUCKED!!!  I was sooooo hungry all the time.  And while I believe feeling that physical hunger is what helped reboot my brain back into recognizing that feeling and not eating if I am not feeling that..... it suuuuucked.  My stomach was growling all the time.  I was also EXHAUSTED.  I had to take a nap EVERY DAY that I was on that diet.  I felt like a total knob yawning in the face of my new co...

AND Breathe.....

Crazy times around here lately with busy kids, changing jobs--and losing who I mistakenly thought was a very close friend, in the process, getting engaged, adding some new pets to the family (more on that later!), having a severely sprained ankle for a month now and am still walking with a limp, and there is just something about changing Seasons that makes me feel "busy." But I finally feel like I can stop and breathe.  I finally feel like I really "have" my new job and it wasn't all just a trick.  A rug that was going to be swept out from underneath me leaving me jobless and thoroughly fucked.  And not in a good way.  I am neurotic.  I know this.  I also finally understand where my neurosis comes from and am hoping this means I can start becoming a teensy bit more confident in who I am.  I would never want to be "fixed" ....I mean how boring would THAT be?  ;-) I feel like I started holding my breath YEARS ago at my job.  I loved the wor...

Dr. Oz and Grassy Grassman... I will be cursing you for the next 14 days

So.... I somehow let my buddy Karyn talk me into doing this  ----> Dr Oz 2 week Detox   We wanted to stay connected even though I have left my job at EAAA for a new job at CHCS.  And also we are both in need of a good healthy kick in the ass and Karyn decided this was just the way to do it.  I then recruited Jessi into this whole mess because I am evil like that.  OK... not really.  I actually only mentioned it to her and she was ALL OVER IT because she has had a really hard time staying off the gluten... which is very, very bad for her and causes her constant stomach pain, severe acne, and an overall feeling of yuckiness.  So she is going to use this plan as a way to flush her system of gluten and get a fresh start on things. So far so good.  (Granted, its 10:54am and today is day one LOL)  I even horked down the morning smoothie with a half a BANANA (GAG GAG GAG) in it, and I have to admit.... It wasn't actually that bad! I am go...