Not feelin' it
I haven't been feeling the whole "eat only when you are hungry and only at the table" thing this week. ...and honestly, even though I have "pretty much" forced myself to comply... I feel yucky and bloaty and fat. And actually... as I thought about what "pretty much" meant, and thought about all the times I ate on the couch and ate when I was hungry. I am kidding myself about the "pretty much" thing. I am off the rails!! I even bought a box of cheez its. I have had literally NO DESIRE to eat cheez its since I started this 'eat whatever you want and whatever you love the most' journey, which acutally shocked me because I thought they were my FAVORITE!! Turns out... they are just something that I turn to when I am feelingsy and want to zone out and mindlessly snack on the couch in front of the tv. Other than that time, I don't ever want them. So now I have to figure out WHY. I was blaming it all on "that time of the...