
Showing posts from November, 2013

Focus T25- Day 2

We made it through day 2!  It actually didn't seem so bad, until a couple hours later when the soreness really started kicking in.  Ow my achin' ASS!  LOL  Feels SOOOOOO good to be sore though, I missed that feeling of being aware of my whole body because I am actually USING it! My thoughts so far on T25... Love the workout, and love that I can grow with it by starting out with the low impact version and working up HATE the ads before and after pushing their stupid protein/fitness shakes.  Beachbody is such a racket. It's not technically 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week.  There is a 3 minute stretch/cooldown after each 25 minute workout AND on day 5 they recommend doing TWO sessions.  Obviously you don't HAVE to, there are no Beachbody Police (are there??) but if you want to be "on the program,"  then you do have to. The diet that comes with it is a joke.  Of COURSE people will lose weight on it... they are starving to death.  N...

Anti-Turkey Day

There is no turkey in this house today.  When I first learned that we would not be able to have a big thanksgiving dinner, and that it was just going to be Lonnie and I, I was sad and maybe a tear or two were shed.  You may be shocked to learn that divorce isn't all fun and games ;-) Once I resigned myself to the fact that things would be different this year, I decided to EMBRACE IT!! Lonnie and I started the day by starting the T25 program (not the diet, just the workout)..  And based on a blog that I enjoy reading , I made sure to stick to the low impact version and i did NOT "GO HARD" because I want to create a habit, not an injury or a torturous experience that I will quit. We are also making a Prime Rib Roast today.  I LOVE PRIME RIB and I haven't had it in probably ten years.  It's one of those things that is scary to make at home and ruin.  But we found this article from 'The Food Lab' and we are going for it!! One Saturday the family is a...

Pics or it didn't happen

Lonnie is old school.  Lonnie is an introvert.  Lonnie would be perfectly happy living "off the grid" if he could find a way to still use his xbox ;-)  Lonnie has a facebook, and an instagram, and e-mail... but he rarely looks at it and even more rarely actually uses it (unless he is writing about his outdoors stuff, which he loves).  Actually, he is just this side of hating social media.  But, as with many things... he knows that I love it, so he plays along.  Like I do when we go camping ;-) We took a much-needed getaway this past weekend and at one point I mentioned that I would love if he snapped a pic now and then with his phone, because other than selfies (which as we all know are NOT a real representation of what we really look like), sometimes I feel as though I don't exist.  And he thought that was very silly and snapped a pic of me with a towel on my head to post on instagram with a hashtag that said, #mygirlfriendsaysitdidnthappenifitsnot...

The "blog for another day"

On May 6th, 2012, I went to Freeport with Dyan, Jody, and Nicole.  We went to The Gap.  For the first time in my life, I was able to try on stuff with everyone and really be a part of the whole experience.  It felt surreal and weird and like I was having an out-of-body experience.  Then I tried on a size xl shirt that I loved and it was way too big.  I went and got a "L" and put it on.  I about lost my shit in that changing room.  I have NEVER been an "L" ....what the hell was happening!?  I have always had at least one "X"!  Who is this "L" girl???  What is she like?  Does she have to only eat carrots and chat about running and fitness?  Can she still be goofy and silly and eat cake whenever she wants?  Does she always have to "dress up" because she has a nicer body that she should 'show-off'?  Does she have to 'keep going' with losing weight because 'L' isn't small enough and now that there are no Xs.... ...

My latest self help book adventure

Reading this book .  It actually has been helpful in two ways... 1. the way it is supposed to be helpful 2. helping me realize that as far as emotional eaters go... I am pretty low on the batshit crazy scale ;-)  (SO many things in this book where I am thinking... 'wow!!  never done THAT!' She talks about multiple experiences where people told her that she was too fat, or unattractive because she was overweight.  Who the hell is this woman and WHY is she surrounding herself with assholes?? I can think of 2 times off the top of my head that someone hurt me by pointing out my weight. 1- The year Rick and I started dating someone told me that some girl that I barely knew said "Well he sure is feeding her well."  I was mortified that people I barely knew were noticing my body and weight gain, and also hurt that a 'friend 2- I vividly remember being at TJ Maxx and looking at tights to buy with my mother and picking up a pair to try and her saying something ...