
Showing posts from August, 2013

OK so clearly I fell off it. And I suck

I don't know why this has to be so hard.  When I am 'on it' and taking care of myself, I feel FANTASTIC!  I feel thinner almost immediately (less bloated I would imagine).  I never feel deprived because I always work snacks and treats into my daily calories, and I just plain feel good. The "something" happens.  This past week it was the fact that I had to start getting up an hour earlier to rush and get Jessi to Field Hockey practice.  I think have to rush home from work and take her back to practice (they have double sessions), then I have to pick her up again an hour-and-a-half later.  So what do I feel the need to do in my short hour of waiting to go back and get her??  Well eat a whole bag of Pirate's Booty of course.  Why do I do that???  I think I resent running around like a chicken with my head cut off... plus I am TIRED from getting used to getting up earlier... but why does that have to equal "eat a whole bag of something"??????? ...

But.... Summer.....

How can summer already be over!?  We had so few hot, sunny days this year.  I think there was one week when we went swimming a few times, other than that, I think we spent more time at the movies on rainy days off.  ....And now it's pretty much over.  Yesterday I dropped Jessi off at 7am to begin what will most likely be her last season of playing field hockey.  :( I had been pushing her to play in college, but she is really not feeling it.  And her current plan (they change a LOT) is to get an apartment with friends in Portland and go to community college down there, so no field hockey fitting into that scenario.  Who knows though... sometimes the plan is USM, sometimes the plan takes her to Nashville..... So... just now I took a quick bathroom break from typing this blog and minimized my screen (I am at work, waaaaaaaay early because I have to drop Jessi off have 7am and have nothing else to do.)  When I came back I looked at my desktop and sa...

Restless Legs Syndrome... My fake disease

Restless Legs Syndrome is one of those fake diseases like Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. But fake or not.... I have it, and have had it as long as I can remember.  I have always fallen asleep kicking my legs.   It has definitely worsened over the years.  When I was younger I just kicked my feet a little as I fell asleep, it didn't annoy me or affect my life in any way.  (Not to say it didn't annoy my now ex-husband) Today... it is much more intrusive. These days my legs will tell me I am tired before my eyes and brain do.  If I am watching a good movie... my legs will start to feel all "wiggly."  It feels like little electrical pulses running up and down them, and I either am compelled to kick my legs, or they kinda just spasm and kick on their own.  It sucks a lot because even if I want to stay up a little longer, I really can't because it drives me... and Lonnie... crazy, and then I get all cranky and irritated.  I hate any limita...