
Showing posts from May, 2013

Day 2 ---Yay!!

Another successful day under my soon-to-be-shrinking belt!  Jessi is on board with me and that is so awesome to have everyone in the family ON IT and eating right and exercising!  I haven't struggled much at all yet or been tempted.  Last night I had a little bag of cheez-its and focused on eating ONE AT A TIME as to my former 2-4 at a time, and really just enjoying each one and making my snack last.  It worked like a charm!

Great Day 1!!!!!

I ate great!  I exercised!  I didn't feel deprived!  I felt like something sweet and had an apple.  Then later for a sweet snack I had almond milk/chia see pudding, which I LOVE!  I use 2T of chia seeds and 1/2 cup of sweetened almond milk, let it sit for about an hour or 2 in the fridge and enjoy!  If you like it to be more like tapioca, you can let it sit longer, I like the seeds to still have a little crunch inside.



Day One.

This photo was taken July 4th 2012.  This girl was ON IT!  She was a runner.  She ate within her calories 90% of the time.  She felt great in her clothes.   Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  I have been on a bad spiral of food and sloth for several months now and that is NOT how I want to live my life.  My spiral has also affected my kids now, as they too have gained weight and that is not fair.  It's my job to teach them how to live as adults.  I should be teaching them that healthy eating 90% of the time is important.  I should be teaching them that exercise is part of everyday life, not just when you are "on it."  There should be no... "on it."  That should be what life just IS.  Always ON IT.  Always taking care of yourself. I went to a hoarding seminar Friday and one of the things I took away from it was when he said that the average person brings in 2-5 items into their home every couple ...

Snags and Moms and Babies and Love

My weight loss endeavor hit a snag... as it always seems to... when I got sick last week and still have an irritating, lingering cough.  I haven't been able to exercise at all thanks to said cough, and I have eaten not-so-healthily--- out of laziness and for comfort.  Bad Colleen.  Oh well though.... I will never give up and I am counting the seconds until I can get up or lay down without a coughing fit so that I can start running.  I am super excited about the Color Me Rad 5k in August and I wanna be ready!! Mom is coming up to visit this weekend and I am excited to see her.  She is coming to meet her new grandson who I also can't wait to see now that I am feeling better!!  I love all the photos they have been posting on FB and Instagram.  He is just too cute!!! I love love.  The other night we were laying in bed and he was reading and I was all snuggled up in the crook of his arm with my head on his shoulder playing candy crush on ...

ISO home for my 50 extra pounds

Excuse time is over.  There is ALWAYS an excuse to not eat right and exercise and let's get real here, NONE of them hold water. I have gained 50 fucking pounds this year.  50.  Fucking. Pounds.  That's a lot.  Like... a way lot.  Cielo's food truck took a Mother's Day shot of Jessi and I the other day and I didn't even want to tag myself in it because I look HORRIBLE!!  It's amazing how sometimes I can look in the mirror and convince myself that I don't..... I went shopping over the weekend because none of my clothes fit and it sucked.  A lot.  Like.... a way lot. I need to look at this is in a different way.  I am not taking care of myself.  I am living in the moment doing whatever I want, whenever I want.  It still feels like a party when Lonnie and I are spending time with each other and party to me = YAHOOOO eat whatever you want.  So I need to learn that happy does not equal party!   I have 5ks co...