Home and Vegetarian and I love my kids!!

We are home from our vacation! It was a fantastic trip with lots of relaxation and lots of fun and lots of FOOD!! Too much food....lol!! There are soooooo many options that we don't have up here. And there is Krispy Kreme. Ahhhhh... Krispy Kreme. I almost cried today when I Krispy Kreme app flashed on that the donuts were hot and ready at the location nearest to my Mom's house. I need to delete that damned app. As penance and to cleanse ourselves from our decadence, we are eating vegetarian for a week. Jessi talks constantly about wanting to go vegan, and with her already having to eat gluten-free, I said no to her as our lives and grocery bills are already slave to her dietary needs. So I wanted us to "make-up" for eating crap all week and decided this was a good way to do it. Before I left Lonnie was on a green smoothie kick, and I was reluctantly on board, but now I am fully on board. The are actually pretty good now that he has experimented enough to f...